How was I going to survive Argentina without my super tool that I've been essentially dependent on for the past five years? Unlike the time I forgot my phone at home on my way to work, I was fully prepared to be phone free, yes there would be withdrawals I had no other options. In my previous post I outlined the book I'd made for this trip, it was essentially a condensation of all of our travel guide books and internet research. This book was a life saver!, It was pretty close to having my phone with me, a paper version anyway.
The best part about being phone free was having to use paper maps, which is quite a rewarding experience. Considering I've been using some form of GPS for years it was great to use the brain to get around places. A positive side benefit of knowing the general direction versus the exact direction of where I was headed was that it made me very aware of my surroundings. I noticed things that I typically might not notice...
"Local Flavor"
like street art! (or graffiti)...and it's all over the place, I would've missed most if not all of it if I knew exactly where I was going instead of a general direction.
Another benefit of not using my phone was I actually had to read a newspaper (in spanish!) to get a (very) small idea of what was going on around the world, not to mention the local politics!
"No Screen Glare"
I managed just fine without my electronic partner in crime, which can also be very distracting and time consuming in its own ways. The only real drawback was I couldn't get the real news about Ipad 2's unveiling or the complete Oscars winners list! Not getting the news I really wanted to read was pretty frustrating. Ipad 2 was announced the first week of my trip to Argentina, and Oscars were handed out the second night I was in town. I was willing to spend a good peso to buy an english or even a spanish newspaper that had the Oscar winners list and the Ipad 2 specs, but Argentines don't find such things newsworthy or simply don't care about them, because in Argentina it's all about Wine and good food, and I couldn't have enjoyed it more!
* Yelp, a social media tool that allows users to share Resturant, Business and General Reviews with other users (Friends) and also "check-in" to said establishments using a geo location tool.